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Academy Community Council nominations

Dear parents & carers,

Vacancy for Parent Community Council Member on the Academy Community Council

We currently have two vacancies for two members of our parent and carer community to join the Academy Community Council (ACC) at Co-op Academy Southfield.

The role of Community Council Member (CCM)

The role of CCM is a vital part of governance within the Co-op Academies Trust. ACCs are the tier of local governance within the Trust and are committees of the Trust Board. Most importantly, ACCs will capture the voices of students, staff, parents and other stakeholders within the local community, which will be communicated to the Trust Board to offer a full picture of the unique priorities within the communities our academies serve.  

The role of CCM within the academy is an important one. They are responsible for ensuring that all of the students at the academy receive a high-quality experience through keeping their safeguarding at the forefront of ACC considerations, identifying and supporting vulnerable groups including those with SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability) and those in receipt of the pupil premium grant, promoting equality and diversity and eliminating discrimination, monitoring the academy’s careers provision, understanding the unique needs within the local community and ways these might be met, and contributing to and implementing the academy’s key strategic priorities.

CCM’s make effective, positive and meaningful contributions to the ACC by attending three meetings over the year, which is one per term, reading papers and preparing questions in advance.  CCMs will get to know their academy by visiting during opening hours and/or attending academy events to understand how plans, objectives and policy translate into practice, in line with the key strategic priorities agreed collaboratively by CCMs based on information provided by academy leaders. Parent CCMs will also bring a valuable parental viewpoint and perspective to ACC discussions but are not expected to be a representative for all parents/carers. 

A summary of the CCM role is sent alongside this letter. 

Election process

The Parent CCM will be elected by parents and carers of students at the academy to serve a four year term of office.  You may, if you wish, put yourself forward for election using the nomination form attached to this letter.  You may also nominate another parent, but you must seek their approval before submitting the nomination.

The election is open to all parents and carers of students registered at the academy and who remain so at the time of election. To avoid any potential conflict of interest, any parents or carers who might be an elected member of the Local Authority, or who might be subject to any disqualification under the Trust’s Articles of Association, can not stand as a Parent CCM.

The timetable for the election is:

1.           Invitations to submit a nomination for Parent CCM role issued on 7th October 2024

2.           Nomination forms to be returned to me by 12:00 noon on 22nd October 

3.           If there are the same number of nominations as vacancies, the result will be announced on 22nd October.

If there are more nominations than vacancies, the process will proceed to a ballot:

4.           Ballot papers to be sent to all parents on 23rd October

5.           Ballot papers to be returned to me by 12:00 noon 14th November

6.           The votes will be counted on the 14th November after which the result will be announced.

I do hope you will be able to take this opportunity to play an active and valuable part in the academy’s life by becoming a candidate in this election process and by casting your vote when the time comes. If, in the meantime, you have any queries, please let me know.

Yours faithfully,

Victoria Clough

Head of School

Returning Officer for Parent CCM Election


The CCM role description and the application form (in different formats) can be found below: