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Health & Wellbeing

At Co-op Academy Southfield, we understand the importance of educating students about Personal and social development (PSD) in order to help them make responsible and well-informed decisions in their lives. PSD is delivered daily through Health & Wellbeing, Living in the Wider World (LiWW) and Relationships & Sex Education (RSE). The vulnerability of our students means that safeguarding is central to the PSD curriculum along with a focus to develop Cultural Capital in all our students.

“At the heart of these subjects there is a focus on keeping children safe and schools play an important role in preventative education” KCSIE 2023

Through the delivery of our Health and Wellbeing curriculum we intend to develop our students' understanding of their own and others’ emotions.  We support students to have healthy coping strategies and to know how to seek appropriate support when needed. We encourage students to talk openly about their mental health to equip students to adopt healthy behaviours and strategies and to seek trustworthy support when they or their friends need it. This also serves to break down any associated stigma surrounding mental health.

The Health and Wellbeing curriculum covers the statutory Health content safely, sensitively and in a way that’s appropriate to each students’ stage of development. Students learn about the importance of good communication, problem-solving, having healthy coping skills, resilience, recognising emotions and how these can reduce the risk of turning to unhealthy coping mechanisms. 


In Health and Wellbeing, staff are expected to complete one "Evidence for Learning" (EFL) log per term or maintain a marked workbook/annotated portfolio of work. The EFL log should document the student's progress against the skills progression steps, reflecting their understanding and personal development in health-related topics. Alternatively, the workbook or portfolio will be regularly marked and annotated by teachers and learning support assistants, delivering feedback on personal health goals, wellbeing activities, and understanding of health concepts, addressing misconceptions, and outlining positive reinforcement and next steps.





Year 7

All About Me

Identifying and expressing my feelings

Playing and working together

People who help me

Year 8

My Amazing Human Body

Managing feelings

My physical activity

Healthy routines

Year 9

My Voice, My Choice

My Mind and Body - Exercise

My diet

Being Healthy Online

Year 10

Risky Business

Feeling worried – self and others? (Emotional support, help lines, doctor)

Medicinal drugs

Keeping clean (body, home)

Year 11

Bradford, Britain and Beyond

My daily wellbeing, diet & exercise

Drugs, alcohol and tobacco, including peer pressure

Health check in

Year 12

My ambitions and aspirations

Body image (respect difference, self-consciousness, personal choice)

Socialising with others

Basic First Aid, including sun safety

Year 13

I am an entrepreneur

Approaches to support my wellbeing

Keeping fit in the locality

Accessing local services

Year 14

My life beyond Southfield

Dealing with change

Healthy choices – diet and alcohol

Emergency situations - 999