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Relationships and Sex Education (RSE)

 At Co-op Academy Southfield, we understand the importance of educating students about Personal and Social Development (PSD) in order to help them make responsible and well-informed decisions in their lives. PSD is delivered daily through Health & Wellbeing, Living in the Wider World and Relationships & Sex Education (RSE). The vulnerability of our students means that safeguarding is central to the PSD curriculum along with a focus to develop Cultural Capital in all our students.

“At the heart of these subjects there is a focus on keeping children safe and schools play an important role in preventative education” KCSIE 2023

The teaching of RSE helps to prepare students for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life. It allows us to promote the spiritual, moral, social, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils at school and in wider society. We want all students to grow up healthy, happy, safe, and able to manage the challenges and  opportunities of modern Britain. 

RSE is lifelong learning about emotional, physical, sexual and moral development, which involves acquiring information, developing skills and forming positive values and attitudes. The subject promotes an understanding of the importance of stable, loving relationships, mutual care and respect. RSE develops students’ abilities to be responsible for their personal safety, sexual health, and their emotional wellbeing to equip them with skills for adult life.


In Relationships and Sex Education (RSE), staff are expected to complete one "Evidence for Learning" (EFL) log per term or maintain a marked workbook/annotated portfolio of work. The EFL log should capture the student's progress against the skills progression steps, showcasing their understanding and reflection on the topics covered. Alternatively, the workbook or portfolio will be regularly reviewed and annotated by teachers and learning support assistants, offering constructive feedback, addressing misconceptions, and providing positive reinforcement and next steps.





Year 7

All About Me

Baby to Adult

People who are special to me

Public & Private

Year 8

My Amazing Human Body

My changing body


Dealing with touch, including bullying

Year 9

My Voice, My Choice

My adolescent body

Families inc. LGBTQ

People who help us

Year 10

Risky Business

Managing change, including loss


Public & Private

Year 11

Bradford, Britain and Beyond

Consent, including law

Long term relationships, including families

Attraction and attractiveness, including LGBTQ

Year 12

My ambitions and aspirations

My body, including sex education

My relationships, including sexual relationships

Looking after myself, including sexual health and FGM

Year 13

I am an entrepreneur

Baby to adult, including conception and pregnancy and parenting

Managing risk in relationships, including abuse

Managing the end of relationships, including loss

Year 14

My life beyond Southfield

Consent, including sexual consent

Different types of relationships, including LGBTQ

People who help us

There is more detail below for each year group. If you have further questions, please contact Rachel Hodgson, Deputy Head - 

Year 7

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will know the body parts and the correct vocabulary for genitalia and which parts of their body are private.
  • Students will know how their body changes during puberty including menstruation and erections.
  • Students will know what makes them happy, sad and start to identify how this makes their body feel.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

In Primary School students will have learned that changes occur as they grow older and that this is called puberty.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students will revisit the human life cycle and recognise how their bodies have changed since they were a baby. Students will know the body parts and will now learn the correct vocabulary for genitalia. They will learn about which parts of their body are private.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

Students know the correct names for body parts and genitalia. They have an understanding of which of their own body parts are private.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students will learn about the differences between the male and female body. They will learn about the physical changes to their body during puberty including menstruation and erections. Students will learn what activities are private including masturbation. This will prepare students for their next learning about the emotional aspects of puberty.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

Students understand everyone goes through puberty and this causes physical changes to the body. They know which adults to talk to if they need support managing the changes. They are now ready to understand their feelings and how puberty causes these to fluctuate.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students will recognise different feelings and start to identify what makes them have these feelings. They understand what makes them happy, sad and start to identify how this makes their body feel. They are ready to learn about people in their life who have a positive impact on them and make them feel special.


Year 8

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will know the people who are special to them, how family members show they care and what physical contact is appropriate within the family.
  • Students will know what safe touch is and how to respond appropriately to unwanted touch.
  • Students will know where and what is private in terms of places, actions and conversations. (in person and online)



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

Students have an understanding of puberty and how this will affect them both physically and emotionally. They recognise basic feelings and know who to approach for support. They are now ready to recognise other special people in their life.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students recognise people who are special to them who have a positive impact on them. They also know how family members show they care and what physical contact is appropriate within the family. They know who is a safe adult if they are worried. They have a developing understanding of the different families. Students are ready to learn about unwanted touch.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

Students recognise who cares for them and who is a safe adult. They are now ready to learn about unwanted touch and how to manage this. They will understand everyone has the right to be safe at all times.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students learn about what is safe touch. They will learn strategies to manage unwanted behaviour, knowing how to respond appropriately to stay safe. This prepares students for the Summer term focus of Public and Private actions, spaces and also conversations.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

Students have learned about respecting their bodies and recognising unwanted touch. They are ready to learn about what spaces, actions and conversations are public or private.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students understand where and what is private in terms of places, actions and conversations. They have an understanding of when something makes them feel uncomfortable including when online and know who to tell. They build on their knowledge of feelings to recognise what makes a good friend and how they feel if a friendship changes.


Year 9

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will know how they and others can be a good friend and recognise and manage changes in friendships in appropriate ways.
  • Students will know how feelings affect their body and what may trigger these feelings including grief and loss.
  • Students will know that feelings can also be called emotions and that during puberty, hormones play a part in how they feel about themselves and others.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

Students understand where and what is private in terms of places, actions, conversations. They have an understanding of when something makes them feel uncomfortable including when online and know who to tell. They build on their knowledge of feelings to recognise what makes a good friend and how they feel if a friendship changes.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students learn about friendships and how they and others can be a good friend. They learn how to recognise and manage changes in friendships in appropriate ways. Learning about how they feel when a change happens prepares students to understand stronger feelings of loss and grief as they enter adulthood.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

Students have an understanding of what makes them happy or sad. They understand what makes a friendship and have started to think how they feel if a friendship changes.. Students build on this to explore what makes them have stronger feelings of anger, loss and frustration and how they can manage these feelings.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students understand stronger feelings and know how these affect their body. They recognise what may trigger these feelings including grief and loss. Now students have a greater understanding of their feelings they will revisit both physical and emotional changes of puberty including feelings towards others.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

Students understand stronger feelings and know how these affect their body. They recognise what may trigger their feelings including grief. Students will revisit both physical and emotional changes of puberty including masturbation, wet dreams and start to understand having feelings towards others.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students revisit the changes to their adolescent body as well as their feelings. They recognise that feelings can also be called emotions and that during puberty, hormones play a part in how they feel about themselves and others.


Year 10

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will know how to trust people in a variety of relationships.
  • Students will know how to compare online and offline relationships, identify the differences and understand that online relationships should be respectful.
  • Students will know what a healthy long term partnership is and understand the importance of commitment between people of any gender.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

In Key Stage 3 students gained knowledge and skills to manage the physical and emotional changes as they enter adulthood. They understand the relationships in their life and have a developing understanding of their feelings towards others. They are now ready to learn more about trust and consent in relationships with others.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students learn about trust in a variety of relationships. They revisit what is public and private and also think about what is personal to them. They learn about peer pressure and understand the difference between surprises and secrets. Pupils learn strategies to resist pressure and are introduced to the term consent and what this means. Sex education is introduced in terms of saying no to pressure which includes touching genitals / private areas or undertaking risks which make them feel uncomfortable.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

Students understand trust in a variety of relationships. They know what is public and private and what is personal to them. They have strategies to manage pressure and where appropriate, sexual pressure. They understand that their body is theirs and no one should touch this inappropriately. They recognise a variety of good and bad feelings.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students will build on their knowledge of trust and pressure and explore this in their online relationships. They will compare online and offline relationships to identify the differences but also understand that online relationships should be respectful. Students will recognise unhealthy online behaviours and know where to get support. They will learn about the laws which govern online behaviour to keep people safe. Next students will learn about different types of relationships including LGBT - families, partnerships and marriage.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

Students understand that relationships online and offline should be built on trust and respect. Students are ready to learn about different types of relationships including families, long term relationships including LGBT relationships.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students explore the foundations of a healthy long term partnership and understand the importance of commitment and stability for families and marriage. They recognise that romantic relationships can be between people of any gender. Students have an understanding of different feelings and different relationships. They are ready to learn about attraction between two people and sexual feelings and changes to the body when aroused.


Year 11

Learning Outcomes

  • Students will know that different individuals are attracted to different things and how to show attraction towards others.
  • Students will know how to ask for, give and not give consent in different contexts.
  • Students will know what intimacy is and what sexual activity is between consenting adults.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

Students have explored the foundations of healthy long term partnerships to understand the importance of commitment and stability for families and a loving marriage. They know that romantic relationships can be between people of any gender. Students have an understanding of different feelings and different relationships and they are ready to learn about attraction and attractiveness.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students start to learn about attraction towards others. They appreciate that different individuals are attracted to different looks, genders, styles, personalities, images etc They know every individual is different and worthy of respect.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

Students have an understanding of attraction and know what happens to the male and female body if someone is sexually attracted. They know every individual is different and worthy of respect, building on this knowledge it is important to learn about consent and sexual consent.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students learn how to ask for, give and not give consent in different contexts. They learn strategies to be assertive and revisit the knowledge and skills from year 10 as they recognise pressure and know how to say no if they feel uncomfortable. Students build on this knowledge with a focus on sexual consent in relation to the law.



What have students learned before that make them ready to learn this now?

Students know how to ask for, give and not give consent in different contexts. They can use strategies to be assertive if feeling pressure to do something they don't want and use strategies to say no. Students understand that sexual consent is the same as in any circumstance and everyone has the right to not give consent. Students are ready to learn about sex in an intimate relationship.

How will what they are learning now prepare them for what they need to learn next?

Students gain understanding of what intimacy is and what sexual activity is between consenting adults. They know the legal age to have sex and the importance of being emotionally ready to have sex. This learning is in preparation for next term's focus on healthy and unhealthy relationships.