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Democracy in action

Election fever hits school!

As the country flocked to the polls for the 2024 General Election, staff and students of Co-op Academy Southfield and sixth form took part in their very own first mock election.

‘The big 3’ parties - ably represented by a class each, who were fully kitted out in relevant colours - created their own manifestos and party videos and then hit the campaign trails; developing their leadership skills and spreading an understanding of democracy throughout the school.

With the Co-op Young Leaders from class 205 at the helm, voting cards were delivered and polling booths set up across the main building and the sixth form, with postal votes also available.

Students were able to select their preferred party via different methods dependent on need, such as choosing coloured switches or discussions about manifestos taken from campaign videos or presentations in assembly.

Votes were counted and verified by independent classes as part of SMSC and maths lessons.

The winners, with an astounding 166 votes across the school were class 205 who represented the red/Labour party.

Thank you to all the staff for giving our students a voice and demonstrating how collaboration can achieve a larger common aim.

Musa, campaigner for the Labour party placing his vote in the ballot box.
Musa, a campaigner for the Labour party, casts his vote.