Co-op Academy Southfield's Student-run Cafe
As part of Southfield's Hospitality and Catering curriculum, post 16 students have the opportunity to run their own café. Students work as a team to follow a recipe; considering things such as allergies, prepare, and cook the food, and serve it. Recently, the students made a delicious pasta in spicy tomato sauce and apple crumble and custard for dessert.
The students take full ownership of the whole experience - they create the right environment for customers; they lay the tables and make the menu. The student customers have to work together to calculate their bill as well as take responsibility for their own food order, which is taken by a student server. It is an excellent opportunity for post-16 students to showcase their independence skills, their readiness for adulthood and the world of work. There are always lots of willing customers wanting to try all the delicious creations!