Our Rebound Therapy Team
Rebound therapy is a specific model of trampoline therapy:
Rebound therapy is a specific model of trampoline therapy:- exercise therapy which uses a trampoline to provide opportunities for movement, therapeutic exercise and recreation for people across virtually the whole spectrum of special needs.
Seven staff from school have taken part in two days of training and are now ready to start intervention work in the coming weeks across school. Consent forms will go home to families soon.
Rebound therapy is used to facilitate movement, promote balance, promote an increase or decrease in muscle tone, promote relaxation, promote sensory integration, improve fitness and exercise tolerance, and to improve communication skills.
Student progress is recorded using the Winstrada development programme. When working with students with profound or complex needs, progress can be accurately measured and recorded using the Huddersfield Functional Index in conjunction with the Winstrada development programme.
Please follow this link to gain more information around rebound therapy