World Book Day
March 2022 was the 25th anniversary of World Book Day and the message for everyone was ‘you are a reader‘!
March 2022 was the 25th anniversary of World Book Day and the message for everyone was ‘you are a reader‘! Co-op Academy Southfield took part part in the celebrations on Friday 4th March to promote reading for pleasure on World Book Day, and all-year round. There were lots of fun-filled activities to ensure that more young people than ever had the opportunity to discover a love for reading.
We asked each student to think about what they read, what characters they love and to share their experiences by bringing a favourite book to school or to dress up as a favourite book character.
Each student received a £1 book token to spend at participating shops with over 10 different £1 books to choose from.
Follow this link to the World Book Day website and discover a wealth of activities for families to help promote reading for pleasure:
A class from the PVC even made their own story ‘Gory Story’ and created this video: Gory story Video