Children in Need Fundraising
Children in Need Fundraising
Dear Parents/carers,
As you may already know, Friday 18th November is Children in Need day. Children in Need raise money both throughout the year and on the annual November appeal which is put to work where it’s needed most. They fund local charities and projects who help remove the barriers that are facing children and young people, so that they can thrive.
Students are invited to wear non-uniform in school. We will be having some games and activities in the classroom and sharing our ideas with our friends in our Key Stage 4 assembly.
We are currently selling Pudsey Bear Ears £2.50, Pudsey pens and Pudsey wristbands both priced £1 in our Co-op School shop which is open to students at lunchtime. All proceeds will go towards the Children in Need appeal.
If you would like to donate £1, that would be greatly appreciated, please send this in with your son/ daughter.
Thank you for your continued support.
Rachel Hodgson.
Assistant Head Teacher KS4