Our Own Co-op Shop
The in-school Co-op shop is now open. Students have worked hard together to create and run this new learning environment.
The in-school Co-op shop is now open. Students have worked hard together to create and run this new learning environment.
Wibsey Co-op shop kindly invited the students to look around to get some inspiration for running their own shop back in school.
Class 206 used their iPads to research bonfire safety rules and then made informative safety posters.
Students from school visited the Bradford Central Foodbank to deliver all the donations collected at Harvest.
On Thursday 21st October the P2I pathway had their end of half term Harvest Festival assembly
Staff from across the Southfield campus took part in various wellbeing activities throughout the day.
Southfield takes online safety seriously and is making ONLINE SAFETY a priority focus for this year.
Raising awareness of mental health across school.
Check out Bradford Council’s latest newsletter
Our Pride gallery
Our OBON (One Britain, One Nation) gallery is growing.
As our headteacher was going home on Thursday, he spotted a Red Kite