Safeguarding Newsletter May 2024
We think it's important for everyone to know their responsibilities in keeping children safe. We want you to stay informed about any changes and learn how we care for your children, because they make Southfield a wonderful place.
Each issue covers different parts of safeguarding. If you have any questions after reading, please contact a member of the safeguarding team. They will be happy to help. You can find contact information in the previous issue.
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility, every day.
What do we do at Southfield to keep your children safe?
Our top priority is to keep your child safe by making sure all staff are well-trained and up to date. We have safeguarding information displayed around the school to remind staff of our policies.
Our safeguarding team includes staff who are DSL trained. For more details, please check the previous newsletter.
We are committed to working with all parents and students to actively promote and protect the well-being of all our students. We are here to work with you, not against you.
Services we work with
We are committed to helping and working with families. Our safeguarding team work with many services to support families in different situations. We work with services such as Early Help, Occupational Therapists, CCST, Short Breaks, and more. Below is information about what three of these services provide for families. If you want to know more, the safeguarding team can help you contact these services.
"A family hub is a place, or a group of places across the district, where local families along with their children and young people can go and receive the help and support they may need, as well as enjoying the facilities and activities we have on offer.”
Family Hub offer services in four main districts around Bradford. Use the postcode checker on their website to see which area you live in. There is a timetable of the different activities happening this month in your district.
- Special Pathways -
The Special Pathways service says “we believe we can make a difference to SEN children and their families. For too long SEN children have been put on the side-line and viewed as an add-on, but not for us! For us, they are truly front and centre which is where they should and deserve to be. That is why we created a service that aims to improve all aspects of their lives so they can reach their potential. A big part of this is to look at what kind of future we want to see our young children living. Therefore, we work on developing their independence as much as possible and encourage jobs and careers wherever possible. We strive for our students to live a complete and fulfilling life, that’s why we are Special Pathways.”
- Preparation for Adulthood -
"Preparation for Adulthood (PfA) describes the process of moving from childhood into adult life. Our team seeks to ensure that young people aged 16-25 with physical or learning disabilities have targeted support to meet their aspirations. The focus is around 4 areas: employment, independent living, community inclusion, health."
Useful information/Resources
Financial help and legal advice:
- Girlington Community Centre;
Mental Health:
- Sharing Voices Bradford;
Support for Families/Carers
Carers UK;
Family Action; SEND Services -Family Action
Events on at Southfield
Parents coffee morning - Wednesday 22nd May 9am –11am. CCST will be attending to deliver information about their services.
Family Coach - Wednesday 25th June 1pm - 3pm. (limited places available, please ring one of the safeguarding team on 01274 779 662 ext 271, if you would like to know more and book a place.)
Parents Coffee morning - Wednesday 17th July 9am - 11am. This session will be around wellbeing for parents.
If you would like to book onto one of these, please contact 01274 779662 and ask for Rahima or a member of the safeguarding team in Southfield.