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KS5 - Sport & Fitness

Year 12

Autumn - The World of Work

Invasion Games
Football and Basketball
Life skills relating to physical health, fitness and wellbeing

Spring - Personal Health and Wellbeing 

Dance and Gymnastics
Life skills relating to physical body awareness

Summer - Achieving Together 

Striking, Fielding and Athletics
Athletics and Rounders
Life skills relating to how to prepare your body for exercise with increasing independence and accuracy (warm up/cool down)

Year 13

Autumn - Employability and Entrepreneurial Skills 

Invasion Games
Football and Basketball
Life skills relating to physical health, fitness and wellbeing

Spring - Managing Positive Health and Wellbeing

Dance and Gymnastics
Life skills relating to physical body awareness

Summer - Supporting and Leading others

Striking, Fielding and Athletics
Athletics and Cricket
Life skills relating to how to prepare your body for exercise with increasing independence and accuracy (warm up/ cool down)


Year 14

Autumn - Employment, Learning and Support in my Community

Invasion Games
Football and Basketball, Sports Leaders
Life skills relating to safety when physically active

Spring - Resilience and Independence

Dance and Gymnastics, Sports Leaders
Life skills relating to teamwork and leadership

Summer - Making a Positive Contribution to my Community

Striking, Fielding and Athletics
Athletics and Rounders/Cricket Competitions for Y12 and Y13
Sports Leaders
Life skills relating to how to peer coaching